A few words about
What We Do
Our programs
Our organization is involved in numerous programs.
“Creating a sustainable, inclusive, and resilient ecosystem for humanity
based on shared value and responsible consumption.”
Catering programs

We enrolled 18 students taking them through a variety of local and international dishes and cuisines and all the students successfully graduated upon sitting their final exams. For internship they were attached to 3 hotels Keba Express Inn, The Sanctum Hotel and K.H. Hotel they managed to absorb 8 students for full time employment. A school called Hear His Voice Learning Centre also employed a student as Head Cook.
Tailoring programs

We enrolled 36 students in this program and all successfully graduated. This year was a blessing specifically for the tailoring program as we got a volunteer Dorothea form Germany who came in for six weeks and brought with her new skills and techniques that we adopted in our training curriculum to give our students a market edge. Upon graduation all students were given Sewing machine kit courtesy of Tools with a Mission (TWAM) and are all currently self-employed

Plumbing services are always in high demand, and licensed plumbers can expect excellent compensation for their efforts. Plumbing programs at Mindset Uganda teach our students techniques and theory for residential commercial and industrial applications, while also giving them opportunity to test their skills in hands-on lab work.
Computer programs

All the 60 trainees were provided with basic computer skills irrespective of their background. This skill is to initiate them into information Technology era so that they are able to do basics especially like use of MS word and Excel. Those who are able to excel can continue to take it up from there.
Knitting programs

This program supplements the tailoring and we enrolled 9 students who all completed successfully and each was handed a knitting machine kit and besides that Mindset managed to secure for them collectively an order to supply 212 Sweaters from a primary school to kick-start their business journey.